Herbert – A Soda Can collecting robot (named after the AI pioneer Herbert Simon). In mobile robot research we believe the structure of the platform, its capabilities, the choice of sensors, their capabilities, and the choice of processors, both onboard and offboard, greatly constrains the direction of research activity centered on the platform. We examine …
Source: Elementary Electronics, Sep-Oct 1976 ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS/September-October 1976 Newscan A little screwdriver twist from his master, Tom Clayton, and a pat on the back from his "half-brother" is practically all that is necessary for Robbie, the robot, to demonstrate his "inborn" programmed talents. A voice-controlled system prompts Robbie into action. NO written requests, please. This …
The blue Wazoo senses light and sound and responds with a behavioral repetoire of various LED patterns, movements, inflations, deflations, whirs, clicks and jiggles. It is six feet high and weighs about twentyfive pounds. It was made in 1975-76 and uses TTL logic circuits. It is currently owned by Allan Stone of the Allan Stone …
Growing up in Australia in the 1960s, "Mini-Computer" by Ken Reinhard was my first encounter with Computers and Art. Who can tell… ART? SCULPTURE? MACHINERY? What would you expect to see at on art exhibition featuring on "environ machine" and a "mini-computer"? Something resembling office furniture? That's what I thought, until I opened my program …
Not quite an "art robot", but Kotkowski's Laser Chromason Mark II impressed me greatly in 1974 in terms of Electronic art and Laser art. Its design even has a robotic look about it. The above images sourced from here, and flipped for correct orientation. MEANJIN QUARTELTY Vol 68 No. 1, 2009. http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/82683/20090515-0729/www.meanjin.com.au/editions/volume-68-number-1-2009/article/light-becomes-the-medium/index.html Light Becomes the Medium …