1901-3 – Walking Lunar Vehicle (Science Fiction) – Jerzy Zulawski (Polish)

Some of these early concepts for lunar exploration had elements of practicality; others were pure whimsy. One of the first, by Polish science-fiction writer Jerzy Zulawski (1874-1915), fell into the first category. His rover design appeared as an illustration in his 1901 tale "Szrebyym Globie" ["On the Silver Globe"] and featured full pressurization, electrical power, …

1966 – “The Torun Robot” – Marian Jasnoch (Polish)

March 15,1966 "The Torun Robot" – Torun, Poland, is famous for the Gingerbread Man  and now a robot. Marian Jasnoch, a young electrical engineer has been working on this robot since 1962. The robot can answer a phone, convey a few simple sentences, record messages, nurse a baby, clean a room, Bake a cake in …

1968 – Artificial Muscle Bioprosthesis – (Polish)

Modell einer Bioprothese mit künstlichem Muskel pneumatischer Art. Der Muskel besteht aus einem Gummirohr, in dessen Wände längs der Mantellinie nichtdehnbare Fäden angeordnet wurden. An den Enden sind die Gummikörper mit Endstücken zur Befestigung und Luftzuführung abgeschlossen. Beim Aufblasen des Muskels mit Druckluft verkürzt er sich und erzeugt damit eine Bewegung. English translation Model consists …

1972-4 – Laser-Chromason Mk II – J. S. Ostoja-Kotkowski (Polish-Australian)

Not quite an "art robot", but Kotkowski's Laser Chromason Mark II impressed me greatly in 1974 in terms of Electronic art and Laser art. Its design even has a robotic look about it. The above images sourced from here, and flipped for correct orientation. MEANJIN QUARTELTY Vol 68 No. 1, 2009. http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/82683/20090515-0729/www.meanjin.com.au/editions/volume-68-number-1-2009/article/light-becomes-the-medium/index.html Light Becomes the Medium …

1959 – “CUPEL” the Cybernetic Tortoise – Andrzej Harland (Polish)

 "CUPEL"  by Andrzej Harland The only text I've seen on this tortoise / turtle is from a Canadian film clip found here : http://www.itnsource.com/shotlist//RTV/1960/01/01/BGY503220197/?s=cybernetic Unfortunately there is no preview of the film clip. CANADA: TURTLE    Clip Description: Story: Eureka… Such a star was never seen in our TV. Something between fancy, jike and magic – …