1909 – Apparatus for Submarine Operations – Pierre Eugene Galoffre (French)


1909 – Apparatus for Submarine Operations – Pierre Eugene Galoffre


Apparatus for submarine operations.

Publication number    US935485 A
Publication type    Grant
Publication date    28 Sep 1909
Filing date    8 Jan 1909
Priority date    8 Jan 1909
Inventors    Pierre Eugene Galoffre
Original Assignee    Pierre Eugene Galoffre

Be it known that I, PIERRE EUGENE GALOFFRE, citizen of the Republic of France, residing at Paris, in France, have invented certain new and useful Apparatus for Submarine Operations, of which the following is a specification.

This invention relates to apparatus for submarine operations and has for its object to provide an arrangement which can be used for investigations and work at a great depth.

According to this invention the apparatus comprises a spherical body provided with devices on its outside for shifting or seizing submerged materials, such devices comprising one or more pairs of pincers or the like capable of being moved in any direction and operated separately or together from within the diving sphere.

See other early Underwater Robots here.