1968 – Android Space Manipulator (Concept) – General Electric (American)

Android Space Manipulator Robots May Tend Ailing Satellites -One of the frustrations of scientists is "burned out" satellites, those which, because of a malfunction or a worn-out part, inertly orbit the earth, doing no worldly good. "Such a satellite becomes a million dollar bit of space debris for lack of a two-dollar part. It would …

1973-8 – Daedalus ‘Wardens’ (Concept) – Bond, Martin, Grant et al (British)

An autonomous Warden building, servicing and maintaining Daedalus.  Above image source: Robots, by Peter Marsh, 1985 Autonomy and the Interstellar Probe – Sourced from here. by Paul Gilster on March 19, 2013 daedalus_final_report …..The span between the creation of the Daedalus design in the 1970s and today covers the development of the personal computer and …

1960 – Space Manipulators – General Mills (American)

Donald F. Melton MECHANICAL DIVISION GENERAL MILLS. INC MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA INTRODUCTION Remote-handling systems can be defined as combinations of equipment the primary purpose of which is to move items relative to each other in a controlled environment. The system is includes not only the actuators and structures required for the physical tasks to be performed, …

1964 – SCHMOO Unmanned Space Repair Craft – Lockheed Company (American)

Space Schmoo . . . If you're a collector of acronyms (initials that make words) here's a beaut: Schmoo (for Space Cargo Handler and Manipulator for Orbital Operations). It's a vehicle that was designed by Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. Caption: This is the age of monsters in space also. A four-armed SCHMOO approaches a …

1961 – Orbital Space Tug – General Electric (American)

GE Orbital Space Tug MISSILE AND SPACE VEHICLE DEPARTMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA INTRODUCTION The General Electric Company has been active in the manipulator and remote-handling equipment fields for several years. primarily in connection with its nuclear laboratories and test facilities. The application of remote-handling equipment to operations in space and lunar situations is …