1953 – “El Chispas” (Sparks) Robot – Antoni Gual Segura (Spanish)

Thanks to Antonio Gual of Barcelona, Spain who notified me of his father's old robot.  The text is also by Antonio.

1953 El robot del meu pare / Dad's robot

Als anys 50, el meu pare, l' Antoni Gual Segura i els seus companys de Radio Vilafranca del Penedès van dissenyar i construir "El Chispas", un robot que movia els braços, parlava a traves d'un altaveu i tenia un ull de bou al melic on es veien saltar espurnes. Va ser un éxit a la Festa Major d'aquell any!
Fa uns deu anys, visitant la ermita de Torrelles de Foix vam poder trobar-hi com a rector el mateix mossén que havia casat els meus pares el 1956, i que encara conservava el robot en un racó de la rectoría.

In the 50's my father Antoni Gual Segura and his job mates at the local radio station Radio Vilafranca designed and built "El Chispas" (Sparks). It moved its arms, spoke and had a window at its navel where you could see sparks. It made a big sensation in the Fiesta Mayor of that year!
Ten years ago, visiting the rural church of Torrelles de Foix we had the occasion to meet the priest that had married my parents in 1956, he still had the robot in a corner of his house.

Antonio has provided an update to say  "…the wires in the head could produce a travelling spark. The robot stood some weeks at the window of my father's radio repair shop, and the sparks were seen as dangerous by the people passing by so they were finally confined to the peephole.
Another curious information is the body has a wood structure and the skin is wood sheet of the type used to line furniture. The body was made in a carpenter shop!"

See other early Humanoid Robots here.