2002c – “Boadicea” Walking Chariot – Andrew Baldwin – (British)

"Boadicea" walks very well at around 2 mph carrying anyone that can fit in the chariot.  It is well over-powered with a slow-running English Lister diesel engine chuffing away inside the woman's belly from whence profuse clouds of billowing smoke emerge whether out of the engine needing a rebore or, more likely, it has been run on cooking oil as the previous owners enjoyed such a smell.
It was made in Kent by Andrew Baldwin, a Blacksmith turned sculptor, and used in Carnivals for amusement, but as she only walks at 2mph, it could not keep up with some of the speedier floats.  Now part of Derek & Doreen Tucker's "Glendale Collection" of vehicles at Thaxted, UK.

Baldwinisms from Andrew Baldwin on Vimeo.

14th Jan 2007 – Rusty and abandoned in Buddleia bushes in Kent.

Sitting awaiting her new owner, trailer hitch at the ready.

Chris Tutt the Coalman driving Boadicea around in Glendale.