1977 – ERIC-II Teleoperated ROV – (French)

The 1977 ERIC-II Remote Operated Vehicle. CABLE CONTROLLED DEEP SUBMERGENCE TELEOPERATOR SYSTEM Jean Vertut (CEA, Saclay, France) and Joel Charles (CERTSM, Toulon, France) ABSTRACT ERIC II, cable controlled deep submergence teleoperator system, is designed for remote observation, investigation and intervention from a surface ship, with a 6000 meters depth capability. The system is in development …

1975 – RUWS Remote Unmanned Work System – (American)

1975 – RUWS Remote Unmanned Work System In order to do useful work in the deep ocean, NUC has been active in advancing manipulator technology. A recently developed system is the Remote Unmanned Work System (RUWS) manipulator. It is a master slave system based on end-point or terminus control, rather than an exoskeletal control. The …

1974 – CUTLET Unmanned Underwater Vehicle – (British)

CUTLET DEPTH: 1,148' DIMENSIONS (LxWxH): 180" x 67" x 83" WEIGHT: 2,536 lbs SPEED: (Max Surface) NA (Max Current) NA STRUCTURE: Open metal framework with ring-stiffened tanks for buoyancy. PROPULSION: Three 10 hp, reversible, electric thrusters (2 long, 1 vert). Maneuvering accomplished by independent control of thrusters. INSTRUMENTATION: Two CCTV cameras on p&t units, mag …

1968 – Legged Underwater Vehicle Patent – Hugh A. Ballinger (British)

1968 – Legged Underwater Vehicle Patent by Hugh A. Ballinger. Underwater vehicle Publication number    US3550386 A Publication date    29 Dec 1970 Filing date    28 Mar 1968 Priority date    31 Mar 1967 Inventors    Ballinger Hugh Anthony Original Assignee    Atomic Energy Authority UK An underwater vehicle comprising a free flooding streamlined body shell attached to a control …

1965 – CURV Cable-controlled Underwater Recovery Vehicle – Jack L. Sayer Jr. (American)

1965 – CURV Cable-controlled Underwater Recovery Vehicle by Jack L. Sayer Jr. NOTS-Pasadena Scientists Develop Recovery Vehicle from Rocketeer, July 9, 1965. CURV Pays Its Way Recovering Valuable Deep Ocean Ordnance NOTS Pasadena Laboratory has disclosed a new and unique method of reclaiming small ordnance items from the ocean floor. CURV—which sounds like a bend …