Zadoc P. Dederick's Steam Man appears to be the first of the Steam Men. The Steam Man from Newark was so inspirational it generated many more Walking Machines, steam or otherwise, and also fictional stories, now seen as some of the earliest Science or Speculative Fiction (SF) written. US Patent number: 75874 Issue date: …
The name "Kaiser" comes from the title of a video clip found at British Pathe here. Its actual name is not known at this time. WORKING MODEL OF THE KAISER Captain Alban J. Roberts – mobile, light-operated automaton 1920's (responsible for robots attributed to Jasper Maskelyne (music halls) and occasionally incorrectly attributed to Capt W. H. …
At this point in time I am unable to locate an image for Belcher’s Miss Automaton. In the mean time, here are some interesting transcripts from period newspapers. The Waterloo Evening Courier 30 Aug 1911p1 Belcher Automaton AUTOMATON WALKS, TALKS AND WRITES Boston. Mass, Aug. 30.-—John W. Belcher of Newton has created an automaton, a …
1909 – Occultus -also Barbarossa [redbeard] Very little is known other than a weird photo and article on an automaton / robot named "Occultus" recently exhibited in Berlin by a man named Whitman. Its quite probable that Occultus can't perform all the functions he's purported to do, but possibly some of them, so I haven't yet …