Modern Mechanix, Sept 1931. Cast-off Shoes Make Tires for "Rough Rider" Bicycle IF YOU don't know what to do with your old shoes, here's a suggestion—make bike wheels out of them. No less a unique stunt has been performed by Marie Glory, a well-known Parisian bicycling enthusiast, as the photo at left shows. The regular …
Text from Video Clip: Octipes Vehiculum is an 8-legged walking machine which I built for my studies in mechanical engieneering in 2012 at my university (Fachhochschule Stralsund, Germany). It is muscle-powered, driven by a pedal movement. I was inspired by the strandbeesten of Theo Jansen ( Unfortunately the vehicle isn`t able to walk under full …
Six Legged Bicycle This piece is built to ride like a bicycle, but pedaling walks the six legs, instead of turning wheels, for forward motion. Somewhere between riding a bicycle and a horse. See video here Fabrication: Pete Beeman Engineering: Pete Beeman Date: 2000 Dimensions: 5' deep, 4' wide, 4' high Materials: aluminum, steel, wood, mechanics. [Source: All pictures and text from Pete …
Iron Stallion (Pedal Horse) Carter's linkages remind me somewhat of Alzetta's 1933 horse. Longer legs, a more powerful motor, lower centre of gravity, steering and one could ride this machine bicycle-like. You start and stop with the person's feet touching the surface of the road. The ride would be a bit bumpy but swift – something …
CSERNY Márton Márton is from Budapest, Hungary. His human-powered walking machine is novel in that the front legs do not pull the cart, but are pushed by the pedals, chain and sprocket. The pedaling action also rocks the 'hip', which raises and swings each free-swinging leg in turn. Video Akció a "Lépegeto gép"-pel / action …