The Canberra Times < Saturday 23 July 1932 p5 ROBOT AS SUPER-SALESMAN Robot, the super orator and salesman, who never stutters or forgets, and whose tongue never makes a disastrous slip, is the new mechanical talking man invented by Mr. William Hutter, chief engineer of the wireless company of Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States. He …
Source: Popular Science Feb, 1931. 'Popjie' being blindfolded prior to "Radiana" driving the car in Rochdale . l The wording attributes "Radiana" to Popjie, however the person in the images below and in video clip below appears to show a different performer. Is it the same person? VIDEO CLIP Gaumont Pathe Archives have a 1927 video of …
SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS: MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1929. "Radio Wizard" to Appear Here Under Auspices of Express-News Operates 4 Cars by Wireless at Once In operating by wireless control four standard, stock model automobiles at the same time, Maurice T. Francill, world-renowned engineer and inventor, performs one of the most difficult experiments in all the …
(no image yet located)l New Zealand Evening Post 3 Dec 1904. Lovers of the mysterious will welcome a new item which has been added to the programme of the London Hippodrome (says an exchange). It is called "Zutka, the Mysterious," and whether "Zutka" is a living person or a dummy is a problem which must …