pdf of Cybernetic Tortoise (in Russian). If anyone can offer more information on this model, they can contact me on reubenh at cyberneticzoo dot com . Unfortunately this blog software cannot support the Russian language set as well as others that I use.
pdf of Cybernetic dog cable follower (in Russian). If anyone can offer more information on this model, they can contact me on reubenh at cyberneticzoo dot com . Unfortunately this blog software cannot support the Russian language set as well as others that I use.
EMMA – Electronic Mime Mobile Animal There were two versions of EMMA offered, the second one referred to as "Educated" EMMA, having a Condition Reflex cirrcuit added in. The pdf attached has the complete articles, but I've OCR'ed the introductory descriptions – see below. Block diagram of EMMA without additions. EMMA This article deals with …
ASTOR V1 [Image from "Cybernetics" , John Frederick Young, 1969] As from the text below, ASTOR V1 used discrete components and was built by P. A. Kidd and C. J. Lloyd. It was probably built earlier than the book date, but I have not found any other record of this. ASTOR V2 [ no …