Text below from Syd Mead's book SENTINEL The four-legged, gyro-balanced, walking cargo vehicle shown on pages 80-81 is from the US Steel Interface portfolio series [published in 1969 – see image below]. The environment is arctic and the mission is to deliver goods and critical supplies to an isolated exploratory colony beyond the DEWline. Like …
Sometimes referred to as the "Robot from Kaliningrad". «Ð ÐÐœ» Built by: Ð. ÐœÐЛИÐОВСКИЙ , Ð. БИКЧЕÐТÐЕВ. A. Malinovsky, E. Bikchentaev. See pdf here containing "Radio" (Russian "Радио"), No 4 and 5 1970. Part 3 is here. VIDEO CLIP – see here.
First year of skating and he's in the Follies! Commander Robot is a 7-foot, 4-inch aluminum and plexiglass creation whose skating skill rates him a featured spot in Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies of 1969—as well as an admiring glance from another skater who obviously is not a robot. The robot's creator, …
Beginnings: The Times Record – 24 July 1962 p13 From as early as 1962, the General Electric Ordinance Dept. in Pittsfield, Mass., undertook a study for the US Army which may lead to the building of a manned walking machine, with arms and legs, ….. where tractors might get stuck. The mechanism for which the …
Seymour Papert's Turtle is included in this category for various reasons: 1. It marks the start of the continuance of our need for realization of concepts in the real world, satisfying our thousands of years old quest to build objects that mimic living things, (typically man's own image, but animals as well). 2. The minimal …