1957 – "Mr. Fantastic" Ushering Robot by Andy Frain Jr.. A tape recorder replays the ushering commentary via a speaker in 'his' chest. 'His' right toe has a sensor that counts the passing crowd. An interesting anecdote about Andy Frain, Jr. Source: The San Bernardino County, May 21 1954. Runs $1 Million Firm His Pay: …
1974 Japanese Sci-Fi image of a Space Tug by Shigeru Komatsuzaki. Whilst it looks aggressive and attacking, it appears to be a rescue vehicle. Space Tugs by Sokolov and Leonov c1965. A depiction of an Unmanned Orbital Free-Flyer, similar to the 1982-4 Telepresence Servicer Unit (TSU) concept. Image source: projectrho.com Detail: Image source: projectrho.com Artwork …
The console of HECK with the floor cleaner being activated. Mechanix Illustrated, Nov, 1959 HOW RCA IS PLANNING…. YOUR WORLD OF TOMORROW By James C. G. Conniff [edited version – see full text here.] An automated house with electronic devices that awaken you in the morning, make your bed, prepare your breakfast, clean house and …
Akira Kanayama’s painting machine from 1957 was a four-wheeled device that Kanayama could remote-control to create paintings approximately 180 by 280 cm. The canvas lay on the floor and the machine dripped and poured paint on the picture pane. The painting machine is an early example of the machine/robot in the role of artist. Kanayama’s …