Internals showing N-S, E-W carriage, Relays, Uni-selector, motors, amongst other electrical components. See 18 mins 51 secs in for 27 seconds. See 9 mins 16 secs in for 32 seconds. As the 1952 maze solver was recently at the MIT Museum. Picture from Life Magazine 28 July 1952. Top trace is showing the first pass …
In 1952, Richard A. Wallace built a Maze Solving Computer as a model of "machine learning". His definition of learning is "The ability to modify a response to a stimulus because of past experience with the stimulus." see full pdf here.
Above: Images and text are from the book of the German exhibition "Die Roboter Kommen!" 2007. Werberoboter „Roberto", 1950er Jahre Museumsstiftung Post und Telekommunikation Die 1950er Jahre bildeten eine erste Blütezeit der Werberoboter. Unter großer Anteilnahme von Presse und Öffentlichkeit stapften überlebensgroße Blechmänner durch die Straßen, deren technisches Vermögen meist gering war: sie konnten wenig …
Little is known about this roving robot. It is tethered, so not truely autonomous. Responses are drive motion and direction, as well as arm movement as well as hand movement, with an up-down movement probably being a 'yes' response, and a sideways shake being a 'no' response. The demonstrator is using multiple touchpoints around the …
The 1932 George Robot by Capt. William H.Richards is an improved version of the 1928 Eric Robot. There is also a later 1952 version named Robert Robot with a different head, but I have no record of who owned and operated Robert Robot back then [1]. The 1932 head is more sculptured, rounded than the later, more …