This page will contain a timeline showing Walking Animals, and dates showing the creation or announcement of the contraptions.
For the moment, it is more a list of what is going to be placed in this blog. If IMAGE IS CLICKABLE, then a blog post exists for it. Check out the updates page for the recent posts.
Mechanical Elephants


Early Mechanical Horses



Other Walking Mechanical Animals
French Walking Tiger
1955- TEAL (model) – Peter Holland
1981- Arfur Dog
1988-92 – Wareham – Mechanical Animals
2001- Theo Jansen Animaris Rhinoceros Lignatus
2002 – Shiva – Mechanical Walking Tiger
2006c – planetX – Entertainment Walking Panda
2007 -Ivanov's Walking Ostrich
1955- Dan Dare – Phant Walking Tank – Fictional
1969- US Steel: Walker – Syd Mead – Conceptual
1980- AT-AT (Star Wars) – Fictional
1983- DRGXX – Syd Mead – Conceptual
1984- Moon Walker – Syd Mead – Conceptual
2001- Theo Jansen Animaris Rhinoceros Lignatus