1960 – “Homobile” Lunar Rover – Hugo Gernsback (American)

In 1960, the indefatigable Gernsback came out with another lunar rover design. He called it the “Homobile.” It had a pressurized cabin mounted on tracks and powered by electricity from fuel cells, with a leg-powered generator as an alternate source of energy. The cabin also had a pair of manipulator arms.

Source:Originally from “1961 Forecast”, 1960 pp8-11 by Hugo Gernsback.

Similar illustrations from an early book of space travel and a Sci-fi magazine.


Illustration from Première Croisière Sur La Lune by Fletcher Pratt, 1952.


Illustration by Frank R. Paul, Fantastic Adventure, 1940.

See other early Space Teleoperators here.

See other early Lunar Robots here.