"Newt" updated showing manipulator.
In an email response from Dr. Hollis (2010), I learnt that his old robot is called "Newt," not "NEWT." (It is not an acronym.) He is planning to put together a small web site with lots of pictures and background on Newt, its predecessors and follow-ons. Ralph will send a pointer when that gets done.
Ralph Hollis still has Newt, which he refers to as Beta-Newt, and it evolved quite a bit from 1977. Ralph still has pieces of a 1957 relay-based robot, and Alpha-Newt which preceded Beta-Newt.
Dr. Ralph Hollis is currently Research Professor
Director, Microdynamic Systems Laboratory
The Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
The full Byte article on "Newt" is in the pdf here.