1954 – “Magnamo” – Bill Allen (American)

Tin Can With An Idea – An imaginative Kansas teacher ( Bill Allen, Hamilton School in Wichita, Kan.) builds a robot to stir his students' interest in classroom science. Disappointed with his first-year performance as a general science teacher at Hamilton School in Wichita, Kan., Bill Allen figured that what he most needed was something …

1953-68 – “Mr. Magnetron” – (British)

Mr. Magnetron – At the National Radio Show held at Earls Court, London, England, Signalman Mellor, of Manchester, introduces a young man to the robot Mr. Magnetron.  © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS   Date Photographed: September 1, 1953 Mr Magnetron 24th March 1954: Lieutenant Corporal Pauline Bevan and Private Smith of the WRAC look at Mr Magnetron …

1947 – Anatole the Robot (nee Marsulus and Gustave) – M. Koralek / Jean Dussailly (French)

Anatole the Robot A radio controlled French robot made by Jean Dussailly. According to Tout Savoir magazine for July 1954 Anatole could move its head right and left, move its arms and responded to ten commands; and it weighed 140 kg and was 2m 10cm high. Le Haut-Parleur No. 956 Page 8 , 15 Juin …

1953 – Horace the Robot – Ivan Robinson (British)

Details from British Pathe film clip here: 1337.25 | GARAGE ROBOT (1:41:02:00 – 1:42:03:00) 14/09/1953 Stratford St Mary, Suffolk. At a petrol station we see garage owner Ivan Robinson setting up his own invention – 'Horace the Robot' – on the forecourt. Horace is connected to an electric cable which makes him salute passing vehicles. …

1953 – GARCO – Harvey G. Chapman Jr. (American)

GARCO represents one of the first attempts at an all-purpose functional humanoid robot. Although he had most of his success as an entertainment robot, the inventor, Harvey Chapman Jr., believed he had other uses, such as "taking on a variety of tasks that would prove too dangerous for humans. Mixing the ingredients for TNT is one. …