1936-37 – B2M – (ROM or V2M) – Vadim Matskevich (Russian)

ROM (or V2M) as it appeared in the 1937 Paris Exhibition. Possibly the first Russian Humanoid Robot ever built. [Note: I haven't quite worked out the Russian <-> English translation of this Robots names as yet.] Retired Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Viktorovich Matskevich turned 82 years old [in 2002] .  As well as writing many children's books on …

1975 – AROK – Ben Skora (American)

Miss Nude World with AROK – click here only if over the age of 18. VIDEO CLIPS See 1979 French newsreel clip here showing Arok, SNEB, and Ben Skora's automated house. "Home Movie" DVD extract (6 minutes into 9 minute clip) See also this clip made by Ben's friend and modern filmmaker,  Bohus Blahut   (BOH-hoosh …

1954 – Robert the Robot & 1955 – Arthur the Robot – Kirt Golden (American)

(above) Robert the Robot  is the first robot built by Kirt Golden in 1954. Interesting robot built by Kirt Golden, age 16 at the time (1955). Limited budget led him to realize that one dextrous arm is sufficient to perform most tasks. For a small robot, it had sufficient weight and power to push a …

1970 – Percy – Dennis Weston (British)

Inventor controls his robots up to two miles away One of England's most ingenious robot inventors is Dennis Weston of Leeds. His best known creation is Tinker, a six-foot-taII robot that can be programmed for such tasks as washing a car (upper right). Tinker is activated by some 430 motors and can be controlled up …

1969 – Commander Robot – David Coleman (American)

      First year of skating and he's in the Follies! Commander Robot is a 7-foot, 4-inch aluminum and plexiglass creation whose skating skill rates him a featured spot in Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies of 1969—as well as an admiring glance from another skater who obviously is not a robot. The robot's creator, …