1886 – Ali the Electrical Automaton – De Lacy (British)

Middlesex Music Hall Place London, Holborn Title Middlesex Music Hall, … Enormous attraction, the sensation of 1886. Ali … the wondrous electrical automaton! Ali has taken nearly a life time to construct. Its movements are so life-like that it is difficult to believe it is not endowed with life! Admitted by press & public to be the …

1980 – Mr. Robotham the Great – Peter Holland (British)

The last of Peter Holland's Mr. Robotham series of robots, "Mr. Robotham the Great". Super lightweight at 6 1/2 pounds. See complete pdf of "Mr. Robotham the Great" in Radio Modeller December 1981 here. See Peter's earlier robots from 1955 here. See other early Humanoid Robots here.

1954 – Thodar the Robot – Ron Hezel (American)

See story as told on TV – "Robot inventor speaks out about his journey" Video By: Mark Repasky : 02/11/2008 – 09:36 PM The Story of Thodar© as seen on YouTube May 2009 ( Video story about Thodar© starts 2.28 minutes into the report.) see Ron Hezel's website here. Thodar in good company. Updated 02/11/2008 …

1979 – “Vintage the Robot” – Tony Ellis (British)

  SERVO 01.2004 Vintage Anthony Ellis, Conceptioneer (inventor / product developer, www.appliedmachineintelligence.co.uk) is the trailblazing roboticist behind our first modern robot from the past. If you're new to robotics, or haven't kept up with news from across the pond, you probably haven't heard of this "vintage" robot. Meet Anthony Ellis' 23-year-old creation, appropriately named Vintage. Vintage came …