1967 – Soviet Circus Robot – Oleg Sokol (Soviet)

In 1953, the Soviet acrobat, athlete, illusionist Anatoly Sokol (his real surname was Sadokha) has prepared an original attraction “The Miracles without Miracles”. The stunts, built on the use of telemechanics, high frequency currents, ultrasound, radio engineering (radio engineers A. Tyushkevich and V. Sidyakin), were performed for the first time in this attraction. In 1966 …

1966 – 2T2 Robot from Captain Cosmic – Gary Tomasec (American)

With 2T2, Bob Wilkins, and Mr Lobo. "toy Prince" 2007 from blog here Robot 2T2 was a real machine, which was operated off camera, via a cable control box. The robot was built by some local fans at a machining company, and when Bob started the show, Bob remembered them, and asked if he could use …

1937 – “Professor Arcadius” – Durand & Decamps (French)

Gaston Decamps participated also in the International Exhibition of 1937, creating with his friend Paul Durand, the "Professeur Arcadius" for the Pavilion of the Toy. New Scientist 12th Apr 1962 Another modern automaton, this time a writer, is known as Professor Arcadius. He was built by M M. Durand and Decamps and can write a number …

1966 – Rodnee Robot – Chris Southall (British)

18th September 1966: Chris Southall and the students of Farnborough College take Robot Rodnee for a walk in London during Rag Week*. (Photo by William Lovelace/Express/Getty Images) The robot was to walk 50 miles to London to raise money for charity. *Rag Week – a week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of …

1960 – Rudy the Robot – Michael Freeman (American)

Michael Freeman's first robot was RUDY, a robot he designed and entered into the Westinghouse Science Fair in 1960, aged 13 where he won first place!. Rudy was a mechanical robot that could walk around by using a tether and wheels, and could remember where it went so that later on, it could re-trace its steps. …