see full pdf here. Personal Computing FEBRUARY 1978 p56-61 BERT (excerpt) Building Your BASIC Robot Robots vary in sophistication and control structure, from Mars-walking space probes and industrial assembly robots to self-motivating household pets and computer-controlled "turtle" drawing robots. My interest in these simple mobile computer input-output devices, robots, led me to construct my own …
Read More “1970 – “BERT” – Sam Newhouse (American)”
Meet MERV – Electronics Today (Australia) April 1971 MERV stands for Mobile Environmental Response Vehicle. Its creator, Peter Vogel, built it to demonstrate his theory on artificial intelligence IS it true that machines are incapable of intelligence, or can they in fact be endowed with reasoning power?' One answer — in the form of an …
Read More “1970 – “MERV” – Peter Vogel (Australian)”
ROBUG: switch-programmable to wake/seek/avoid on light/touch/wind; feelers charged to 90 volts! "In high school [Montreal,1964] he [Hans Moravec] won two science fair prizes for a light-following electronic turtle and a tape-controlled robot hand. As an undergraduate he designed a computer to control fancier robots, and experimented with learning and automatic programming on commercial machines. During his …
Read More “1964 – “ROBUG” – Hans Moravec (Austrian / Canadian)”
Seymour Papert's Turtle is included in this category for various reasons: 1. It marks the start of the continuance of our need for realization of concepts in the real world, satisfying our thousands of years old quest to build objects that mimic living things, (typically man's own image, but animals as well). 2. The minimal …
Read More “1969 – The Logo Turtle – Seymour Papert et al (Sth African/American)”
pdf of Cybernetic Tortoise (in Russian). If anyone can offer more information on this model, they can contact me on reubenh at cyberneticzoo dot com . Unfortunately this blog software cannot support the Russian language set as well as others that I use.