Andreas Konkoly, a renowned Meccanoman, built many walking machines and robots in his lifetime. This reproduction, by S. Tokarski shows the Magic Motor (clockwork spring) power drive. For weight distribution and size, the drive is mounted in the rickshaw, and a driveshaft extends forward to the walking mechanism in the "Coolie". The walking motion is rather simplistic, …
LONDON – ALL SET FOR SANTA aka CHRISTMAS TOY FAIR Meccano promotional robot at the1965 Christmas Toy Fair, London. The robot's head turns, ears spin, eye lights flash, mouth opens and closes, chest lights flash, each arm can move up and down and the head's antenna rotates. It appears that one leg may move, and the …
Thanks to Antonio Gual of Barcelona, Spain who notified me of his father's old robot. The text is also by Antonio. 1953 El robot del meu pare / Dad's robot Als anys 50, el meu pare, l' Antoni Gual Segura i els seus companys de Radio Vilafranca del Penedès van dissenyar i construir "El Chispas", …
During some earlier research on Walking Machines, discovered an article in The Salt Lake Tribune. (Salt Lake City, Utah), March 09, 1913 headlined "The Giant Mechanical Mosquitoes Of Dr. Gustav Luchy." Now that it's come time to write it up, I see that Lyle Zapato's in his blog ZPi has already done a fine job in researching …
Metal feet on Swedish carriage enables it to "walk" up or down stairs. The rocking rhythm on flat surface puts baby to sleep. Source: Mechanics Illustrated May 1957.