Painting by FRED FREEMAN, originally appearing in the July 11, 1960 issue of LIFE Magazine. The creature unreeling an electric cable as he explores a distant planet is a man prepared for space as some scientists propose. Electrodes and other attachments would control many of the physical functions normally initiated by the brain, such as …
CYB Head and Arm – 1969 Plexiglass, aluminium, and wires. cybernetic man — birth of a new type of man, adapted to new duties and interplanetary missions. we known already at this moment that it will be soon possible to adapt man to new environments by adding or replacing parts of his body with cybernetic …
Interview with John Gaughan who restored "Tap Dancer". AN INTERVIEW WITH STEPHAN VON HUENE ON HIS AUDIO-KINETIC SCULPTURES Dorothy Newmark* * Computer artist living at 820 Hermosa Drive, N.E., Albuquerque, N.M. 87110, U.S.A. (Received 22 November 1969.) Interviewer's note—Stephan Von Huene was born in Los Angeles, California in September 1932 and is currently residing …
Pages 51 – 52 [images above] February 1970. A "drawing" and later "painting" machine which made the graph-like drawings in which we see both the simple program and the simple resultant "drawing." Later developments added variable voltage and therewith a "how much" on or off possibility. These and other developments made a greater apparent distance …
DAVID JACOBS Born 1932 in Niagara Falls, New York. Studied in California, obtaining his M.A. at Los Angeles State College. Presently Acting Chairman, Fine Arts Department, Hofstra University, New York. Notebook These photographs [in attached pdf] and pages from my sketchbooks arc presented more or less in chronological order and deal with inflating sound sculptures and …