1912 – Seleno, the Electric Dog – Hammond / Miessner -Addendum

In my earlier post on the "Electric Dog" by Miessner and Hammond (here), I commented on some uncertainty regarding Miessner's and Hammond's relationship together, and as to whether or not there may have been another dog built. This was as a result of how the newspaper and magazine articles were reporting on the "electric dog". …

1912 – Seleno, the Electric Dog – Hammond / Miessner

A lot has already been published already about Seleno, try these links:  http://www.davidbuckley.net/DB/HistoryMakers/HM-ElectricDog1912.htm and my Addendum. Here are some pics and excerpts showing different aspects of the "Electric Dog". Technical articles on the Electric Dog appeared in Scientific American Supplement No. 2267 p376-7 June 14, 1919 written by Benjamin Franklin Miessner, in the Electrical Experimenter, 1915, p. …