1970 – 7ft-tall “Blue” Robot – Jiro Aizawa/Osamu Tezuka (Japanese)

The 7ft tall, blue robot appeared in the Fujipan pavillion at Expo'70, Osaka, Japan.  The robot display for the Fujipan pavillion was designed by Jiro's partner Osamu Tezuka (the creator of Astro Boy) so most likely the robot was, at least, from their Institute of Juvenile Culture. The robot itself is probably an Aizawa robot.   A display of robot …

19xx – Unknown Robot – Jiro Aizawa (Japanese)

I don't know what this robot does. There's a large slot in the front and speakers – maybe it is a record player? Robot after restoration at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology in Japan in 2008. Image by "Robot". The Robot with his brothers in the Nagoya Robot Museum. The Robot Museum closed 31 September, 2007. …

19xx – Blue Stamping Robot – Jiro Aizawa (Japanese)

Restoration at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology in Japan in 2008. Blue stamping robot with his brothers in the Nagoya Robot Museum. The Robot Museum closed 31 September, 2007. Both Stamping robots after restoration at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology in Japan in 2008. Image by "Robot". See the full Jiro Aizawa story here .

1960 – Mr. Saburo the Robot – Jiro Aizawa (Japanese)

Mr. Saburo after restoration at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology in Japan. The caption from a 2010 Japanese catalogue reads (after translation): Three mid-size robot brothers Fujio [富士夫], Saburo [三郎], Kuro [九郎].  These robots look very similar.  The middle robot is the same as the one in the top photo, although the above image calls it Saburo.  I'll …

19xx – Mr. “Robot” – Jiro Aizawa (Japanese)

An Aizawa robot that stands on a pedestal. Wrapped ready for transit. I don't know what this robot does. It appears it can nod its head. The front checkerboard patterns have many lamps behind them, maybe generating various patterns in light. The robot after restoration at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology in Japan. See the full …