2001-4 – MEART Rat Neuron Drawing Machine – SymbioticA (Australian/American)

MEART: THE SEMI-LIVING ARTIST '2001-4'  SymbioticA Research Group in collaboration with The Potter Group SymbioticA Research Group were established in 2000 as one of the core research groups in SymbloticA, the Art & Science Collaborative Research Laboratory, School of Anatomy & Human Biology, University of Western Australia. The Potter Group was established in 1999 in …

1951 – SNARC Maze Solver – Minsky / Edmonds (American)

In 1951 Marvin Minsky teamed with Dean Edmonds build the first artificial neural network that simulated a rat finding its way through a maze. They designed the first (40 neuron) neurocomputer, SNARC (Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Computer), with synapses that adjusted their weights (measures of synaptic permeabilities) according to the success of performing a specified …