1959 – Labyrinth solver with Ariadne’s Thread – Zemanek & Eier (Austrian)

Now in the Vienna Technical Museum. Period photo showing Richard Eier opening the covers of the Labyrinth. Zitat:  Gerhard Chroust, "Cybernetic Animals at the Technical University of Vienna" , in IFSR Newsletter, Vol. 18, Nummer 2, Seite(n) 2, 1999  CYBERNETIC ANIMALS AT THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA G. Chroust Around 1960 Cybernetics was the path …

1950 – Maze-Solving Mouse – Claude Shannon (American)

The diagrammatic view of the 1950-1 Maze-solving Mouse built by Claude A. Shannon. Claude Shannon knew Edmund C. Berkeley quite well. Berkeley had two young associates working part-time with him on his early robots, by the names of Ivan and Bert Sutherland.  Ivan was soon to have Claude Shannon as his Thesis supervisor.  Berkeley was keen …