1930 – Giant Mechanical Worker – Franz Hübl (Czechoslovakia)

The devices perform alternating and quite different mechanical works which are controlled by a person. The object of the present construction is to amplify the force of a man and perform different kinds of mechanical works which otherwise have to be performed by hand. The principal kind of works to be performed are digging, pile-driving, …

1964 – Exoskeleton – Kultsar (American)

An early patent describing current exoskeletons was filed in 1964 (and issued in 1967) in the United States. Without using the specific term of exoskeleton, Emery Kultsar, the inventor, describes a "system of support and traction for 'body', designed to protect workers from extreme conditions (fire, explosions, fallen wreckage …). A design feature was that …

1956 – Powered Space Suit – Constantin Lent (American)

Constantin Paul Lent 3034131 MOBILE SPACE SUIT – see pdf here. Patent number: 3034131 Filing date: Aug 7, 1956 Issue date: May 15, 1962 Although the suits key features were related to the aviator's 'needs' for long-duration flights, the invention predicted that as the air became more rarified the higher one could travel, the internal …

1986 – Power Loader from “Aliens” the Movie

The popularisation of “Man-Amplifiers” was largely due to the movie “Aliens” directed by James Cameron and released in 1986. Earlier scenes introduce it as it is, a power loader for heavy materials. Ripley later uses it as an equaliser for a “mano e mano” with the queen alien. Earlier concept by Syd Mead. Later designs by …

1978 – Jogging Machine – Shulman (American)

Jogging Machine Invented, Awaits Market . Daytona Beach Morning Journal – Dec 15, 1978  HYDE PARK. NY – Burt Shulman gently touched the throttle of the little machine strapped to his back. Suddenly he wasn't Burt Shulman at all, but Mercury about to become Icarus, a quiet mechanical engineer who was now the Match of …