1970 – Expo ’70 Fujipan Pavillion Robots – Tezuka/Aizawa (Japanese)

A display of robot models showing which robots were included by Tezuka in the Fujipan pavillion. The Symphonitoron.   Robots appearing at an exhibition. Osamu Tezuka with his robots. Dancing robot rotates, and moves its arms. Catalogue entry. Blue photo-taking robot on the left. See the full Jiro Aizawa story here .

1970 – 7ft-tall “Blue” Robot – Jiro Aizawa/Osamu Tezuka (Japanese)

The 7ft tall, blue robot appeared in the Fujipan pavillion at Expo'70, Osaka, Japan.  The robot display for the Fujipan pavillion was designed by Jiro's partner Osamu Tezuka (the creator of Astro Boy) so most likely the robot was, at least, from their Institute of Juvenile Culture. The robot itself is probably an Aizawa robot.   A display of robot …