1992-4 – Dante & Dante II – John E. Bares & William “Red” Whittaker (American)

Dante: In 1992 a walking robot named Dante1 was designed and built at Carnegie Mellon University. Using a tensioned tether, Dante can ascend and descend steep slopes. It is designed to rappel into and explore active volcanic craters. The Dante project was an ambitious attempt to proceed, in 10 months, from idea to implementation. The …

1988-91 – AMBLER – John Bares & William “Red” Whittaker (American)

A good example of the "big iron" approach to mobile robots is AMBLER (acronym for Autonomous MoBiLe Exploration Robot), developed by Carnegie Mellon University and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This behemoth stands about 5m (16.4ft) tall, is up to 7m (23.0ft) wide, and weights 2500 kg (5512 lb). It moves at a blistering 35 cm …

2002 – ESA Lunar Rover – (Student concept) – Europe

DATE:25/04/08 SOURCE:Flightglobal.com ESA to undertake lunar rover study By Rob Coppinger   The European Space Agency is offering €500,000 ($786,500) for a pressurised lunar rover (PLR) phase 0/A study to produce a conceptual design, to evaluate its functional, technical and operational requirements and determine its likely cost and development schedule.  ESA envisages a rover with …

Early Science Fair Robots

1931: "Bugs the Mechanical Man" by Bobby Lambert, Charlotte, N.C. USA. 1948: 1949: Elmer the robot, Colorado. Jimmie the Demonstration Robot responds to single words via the telephone.  1950: 1951: 1952: 1953: 1954: 1955: "Reject the Robot" by Tommy Firestine. USA. 1956: "Herbert Watt" the robot. 1957: "Nemo the Magnificant" Robot by Johnny Ventura. USA …

1964 – Performance Artist using Robotic Props – John Fare (Canadian)

John Fare Since the late 60's I have browsed all types of magazines for articles on electronic art, kinetic art, and robots. When I first came upon the John Fare article, I tucked it away, taking it at face value, for a future use.  Given the rise of the internet, it appears that the "John Fare" story has re-surfaced …